Engaging universities to help out-of-school youth transition to higher education. We engage local universities so that ALS completers are guided accordingly on when it comes to their study and career goals.
We also work with leading teacher education institutions to develop training and certification for ALS teachers, enabling the expansion of Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) that currently has many limitations in enabling ALS completers to proceed to higher education. Specifically, HEIs will be tapped to facilitate career pathways and ALS certification relevant to youth’s goals and skills certification and diplomas.
The role of HEIs is we can do a lot
of researches... So that programs
that we do and design are really
data-driven. Our programs will be
more responsive to the needs and
interest of our youth, and it’s going
to match what the industry needs
as well.
Dr. Theresita V. Atienza
President of the Quezon City University