Opportunity 2.0


Listening to Voices of Out-of-School-Youth

Listening to the Voices of Out-of-School Youth

USAID Opportunity 2.0 conducted a series of youth interviews gathering OSY perspectives and recommendations for the continuity of their learning, training, and livelihoods under COVID-19 conditions. These interviews also examined youth views on learning modalities for the delivery of DepEd’s ALS Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A&E) course, and TESDA’s skills training, as well as the availability and capacity of youth to use online tools and applications. Seventy-two (72) OSY from six Opportunity 2.0 sites participated in the interviews, 36  of whom were enrolled or planning to enroll in DepEd ALS and the rest in TESDA’s technical-vocational skills training.