Improved access to training helps young mom in Tagbilaran City find job

USAID-TESDA collaboration helps young mother get back on her feet in Tagbilaran City Leaving school to be a mom When Clarice found out she was pregnant at 19, she dropped…
USAID helps youth with disability upskill through the TESDA Online Program

USAID’s support to enhancing technical vocational education and training (TVET) in the Philippines is helping more marginalized youth have access to upskilling opportunities. Wilson Godinez, 20, has always wanted to…
O2 Private Sector Engagement: 2021 Highlights

Last year, USAID engaged private sector partners to be part of upskilling out-of-school youth in 12 Philippine cities through its Opportunity 2.0 program. Local businesses hosted youth for on-the-job training…