Former OSYs in Iligan: Work Based Learning Key to Employment Success

Mich Cabalquinto and Kyle Gaspar Rebusto could not believe their luck when they found out they had been hired as service crew members at a Jollibee restaurant in Iligan City,…
USAID strengthen TVET in PH by enabling schools to upskill OSYs

Technical-vocational education remains to be one of the most valuable pathways for marginalized youth in the Philippines to overcome economic difficulties. However, upskilling opportunities remain limited, especially for the out-of-school,…
USAID opens new possibilities for young breadwinner in Cebu

Yna Marie Cabañog, 20, started working since the age of ten. She took up jobs washing dishes and grilling barbecues. “My family is poor, and we almost always don’t have…
Better Together: USAID’s private sector engagement empowers Filipino out-of-school youth and local businesses

Better Together USAID’s approach to private sector engagement empowers Filipino out-of-school youth and local businesses on their development journey Marlon and Richard are long-time friends and neighbors from Legazpi City,…