First ever National Youth Dev’t Alliance (YDA) Summit held

DAVAO CITY, February 22, 2023—More than 200 local leaders and youth champions from 15 cities in the Philippines participated in the first-ever National Youth Development Alliance Summit in Davao City…
Improved access to training helps young mom in Tagbilaran City find job

USAID-TESDA collaboration helps young mother get back on her feet in Tagbilaran City Leaving school to be a mom When Clarice found out she was pregnant at 19, she dropped…
Young mom leads solid waste initiative after design thinking training with USAID

Solid waste management has been a continuing problem in Cebu City for the past few years. In Barangay Talamban, piled up garbage blocked narrow drainage and caused flooding. Mae Ann…
DTI’s Youth Entrep Program enhanced with Be Your Own Boss content

Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) reps gathered for a three-day writeshop to streamline and update the country’s Youth Entrepreneurship Program (YEP) curriculum. DTI’s YEP now adds life skills, business…
USAID, Iloilo City launch new program for out-of-school youth

ILOILO CITY, October 28—The U.S. government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched a new project that will support the education, employment, and livelihood needs of out-of-school…
U.S. partners with DepEd, TESDA, Pasig City to support education, employability of Out-Of-School Youth

The U.S. government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), recently launched the Opportunity 2.0 program in Pasig City to address the education, employment, and livelihood needs of…
USAID is helping Cotabato City youth go back to school by bringing local actors together

It was a hot day in Davao City in 2019. Eighteen year old Wennelyn Bendol was on her first year of college in a city away from family poring over…
USAID helps youth with disability upskill through the TESDA Online Program

USAID’s support to enhancing technical vocational education and training (TVET) in the Philippines is helping more marginalized youth have access to upskilling opportunities. Wilson Godinez, 20, has always wanted to…
Producing Opportunity: USAID upskills the next generation of Filipino farmers

On the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, 21-year-old Lori Fae Comeros wanders through a field bursting with fresh produce. Coconuts rustle in the gentle breeze, and succulent star apples dangle…
LGBT youth finds success in construction

USAID’s support to strengthen training institutions is including marginalized youth in local growth As the second largest metropolitan area in the Philippines, Cebu is a fast-growing city with international air…