Opportunity 2.0


Here are some of the products and materials developed through USAID Opportunity 2.0.

Modules, publications, briefs, reports and other materials on second-chance education, youth workforce development, and positive youth development will be made available here for easy access to champions of youth development and leaders who wish to learn and pursue similar goals for their communities, schools, organizations, and business.

A host of personal and environmental factors affect young people’s learning and earning outcomes. To help vulnerable youth overcome these barriers, they must be addressed holistically, tending to the complex economic, social, and personal …
In the next five years, until 2025, we hope to make an impact for at least 180,000 young people in the Philippines, train more than 1,600 teachers and trainers, and engage 2,200 employers in …
Leadership and governance with young people are essential in the youth’s holistic growth and development. To achieve any tangible and sustainable results for young people in communities, youth development programs anchor on leadership and …
USAID Opportunity 2.0’s Private Sector Engagement Briefer summarizes how we’re mobilizing the private sector and the youth to collaborate innovatively toward mutual growth. To achieve mutual economic growth, the private sector and the youth …
USAID Opportunity 2.0 conducted a series of youth interviews gathering OSY perspectives and recommendations for the continuity of their learning, training, and livelihoods under COVID-19 conditions. These interviews also examined youth views on learning …